Empowered by the Holy Spirit, following Christ’s example, we are His witnesses, proclaiming the gospel to all creation & making disciples of all nations, on Padre Island, to the ends of the earth, and everywhere we pass through in between (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-49, John 20:21, Acts 1:8).

International Missions
We support missions directly, through Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong offerings, and through the IMB and NAMB
We send teams to support in country missionaries yearly. Currently we have active missions in Central Asia and Central America
Church Planting
Maudie and Luke Watson are church planting missionaries to Burnaby, British Columbia near Vancouver one of the least Christian cities in North America. They are making disciples among the nations in Burnaby for the glory of God by planting Redeemer Community Church, a multi-cultural multi-ethnic church. Please make an investment in God’s kingdom by partnering with them financially to help reach the city of Burnaby for Christ.

Local Ministries
We faithfully support Corpus area ministries including Church Without Walls, The Pregnancy Center, and Baptist Student Ministries